Viatrophy - Mistress Of Misery

As the dust settles, the clouds disperse - it still remains a weight forcing down upon us.
Crushing our bones, always the same glazed eyes and empty stares hollow souls drained of what once was.
Those words penetrate my skin like bullets, a crimson explosion of our unison, bruises still remain.
Endless days, eyes fixed to the asphalt, the tides drawn in our feet still planted in the sand.

The spark ignites, stuck in a revolving door drawn into darkness in disguise, the only saviour that remains.
Eyes smudge into the deep pools in which we drown, the repetition makes all attention fade.
The fog clears inner beliefs unveiled, follow us into despair or take the reigns to release us of this pain.
The freedom I seek -- never caught, help soften the blow.
The comfort I seek hidden deep from the path I roam.
Uncertainty rules over me, my friend, my enemy, leaves me broken and destroyed.
Life's design fails me, this beast I've become, the mirror reveals a destroyed soul.
Singed edges of ecstasy -- all that's available to cleanse my mind, still you draw me in my Mistress of Misery.